
Hollow Retroreflector

Hollow Retroreflector is constructed by three first surface mirrors assembled into a corner cube prism. This produces a lightweight hollow corner cube which is totally insensitive to position and movement. It reflects the incident light back to its original source with good accuracy, regardless of the angle of incidence. Hollow Retroreflector is insensitive to chromatic dispersion of the refractive index of glass and the absorptive of glass, due to the optical path is in air. Hollow Retroreflector is installed in a mount features a variety of mounting holes.

★ Hollow Lightweight Design
★ No Chromatic Aberration & Material Absorption
★ As Low As 1 Arc Second Deviation
★ Low Reflected Wavefront Distortion
★ Stress-Free Mounting, Good Thermal Stability
★ Protected Aluminum and Protected Gold Coating Available

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Mirror Material Fused Silica
Mount Material Black Anodized Aluminum
Surface Quality 60/40 scratch and dig
Beam Deviation 180°
Coating Protected Aluminum, Protected Gold, other upon request
Damage Threshold >1J/cm2, 20ns, 20Hz, @1064nm