
FOLI20 FT-IR Spectrometer

  • Equipped with multiple beam inlets and detector inlets
  • Resolution: < 0.3 cm-1
  • Measurement range from MIR to NIR (12800-350cm-1)
  • Configurable with liquid nitrogen and electrically cooled MCT
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fFOLI20  FT-IR spectrometer, capable of meeting the needs of different requirements of research and development users. FOLI20 can optional configure automatic switching of MIR/NIR sources and detectors, it has the standard spectral resolution of better than 0.3cm-1 and expandability of spectral range from MIR to NIR (12800-350cm-1). FOLI20 can accommodate different internal and external accessories. It provides researchers another FTIR spectrometer to reach a new stage.


Superior Spectral resolution:

FOLI20 has spectral resolution of better than 0.3cm-1 in whole range and it can upgrade to higher spectral resolution if required. The superior resolution is suitable for most of R&D projects.

Expandable Spectral Range:

FOLI20 FTIR spectrometer can achieve the analysis of both MIR and NIR spectral range in one device, through switching the optical element automatically. It can expand from the standard MIR spectral range (8000-350cm-1) to NIR range(12800-4000cm-1). FT-NIR owns special advantages: under general circumstances, samples can be analyzed in vials directly without diluting, due to the fact that quartz is transparent in NIR range.

High Performance Design:

FOLI20 FTIR spectrometer designs exclusively for R&D institutions. It combines easy operations, high-performance design and high-cost performance into one device. FOLI20 configures room temperature DLaTGS detector and users can choose other high sensitive detectors, such as liquid nitrogen cooled MCT, Thermo Electric Cooler MCT,LN InSb and TEC InGaAs detectors. Those detectors can provide higher sensitivity and higher energy throughput for the experiment. All detectors have dual-channel A/D and 32 bit dynamic range, and acquire the lowest electronic noise.

Optional Accessories Internal and External:

  • TGA-IR coupling Module
  • GC-IR coupling Module
  • External sample compartment, vacuum or purgeable
  • External vacuum UHV Chamber
  • 2cm to 20 meters length gas cells
  • Integrating sphere accessory
  • In-situ Transmission accessory
  • In-situ Diffuse Reflection accessory
  • ATR and specular accessory


  • Pharm & Life Science

Protein conformation and quantification

Quantification for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and excipient in water solution

  • Microorganism Identification

Characterization for the volatility and stability of medicine combined with TGA module

  • Polymer and Chemical Products

Detection and Characterization for the volatility and  decomposition combined with TGA module

Monitoring reaction process in lab combined with MIR fiber probe module

  • Surface analysis

Detection and Characterization for the Ultra-Thin film and mono-layer film

Characterization for the erosion process

  • Material Science

Detection of Emissivity of building materials

Evaluation for Optical material such as Infrared windows and mirrors

Study on black material with photoacoustic spectroscopy

  • Semiconductor Industry

Measurement for thickness of various non-metal films

Measurement for content of Carbon/Oxygen in silicon QC

  • Soil Analysis

Evaluation for nutrition and organic matter in soil

Study on the characteristics of different soil


Items Standard Parameters Optional Parameters
Spectral Resolution < 0.3cm-1
Spectral Range 8000-350cm-1 12800-4000cm-1
Light Source Ceramic SiC tungsten lamp
Beamsplitter KBr on Ge Quartz, CaF2, ZnSe, etc.
Detector Room temperature DLaTGS LN MCT, TEC MCT,LN InSb, LN Ge and TEC InGaAs etc.
Sample Compartment Transmission hold 50mm x 75mm Emission port, External compartment, External sealed UHV Chamber, etc
Signal to Noise ≥40,000:1
Photometric Precision ≤0.1%T
Interferometer High stability Cube corner interferometer
Wavenumber Accuracy < 0.01 cm-1
Wavenumber Precision < 0.1 cm-1
Operating temperature -10°C to +40°C
Storage temperature -20°C to +55°C