
Free Space Isolators

high quality megneto-optic crystals with low absorption and high extinction ratios, and polarizers with low transmission losses to achieve outstanding performance. Customized free space isolators are available with peak isolation up to 45dB, maximum transmission above 95%, and aperture up to 45mm.

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Free space isolation device for blocking reverse transmitted beams

Free space isolators are divided into two categories: polarization-dependent isolators and polarization-independent isolators.

The polarization-dependent isolator or Faraday isolator consists of three major parts which are input polarizer (polarized vertically), the Faraday Rotator, and the output polarizer (aligned at 45° relative to the input polarizer).

The polarization-independent isolator consists of three main components, which are a birefringent crystal (polarizer), a Faraday Rotator, and a half-wave plate. It’s usually used for maintaining the stability of the optical system effectively in a fiber laser system.

High-quality magneto-optic crystals with low absorption and high extinction ratios, and polarizers with low transmission losses achieve outstanding performance. Customized free space isolators are available with peak isolation up to 45dB, maximum transmission above 95%, and aperture up to 45mm.



●Laser precision machining

●Laser sensing systems

●Ultrafast laser system


Customized according to customer needs. Refer to the following list for standard products.

   Model Number:HPISO-t-p-a-λ-w-h
Type(t) Power(p) Aperture(a) Wavelength(λ) Waveplate(w) Housing(h)
FS (Free Space)

DS (Dual Space)

AB (Adjustable bandwidth)

1-500 W

2-20 mm

355-4500 nm

C (Contained)

N (Not Contained)




Typical Specifications
Aperture Wavelength Withstand Power Transmission Peak Isolation
2-15 mm 355-1080 nm 100 W >93 % *, >90 % ** >33 dB *, >45 dB **
2-10 mm 1310-3000 nm 100 W  >93 %  >33 dB
15-20 mm 600-1080 nm 500 W >93 % >33 dB
1.5-8 mm 800-2000 nm 10-500 W >93 % >33 dB

Operating temperature range: 10℃-30℃;       

* Only applicable to conventional isolator

**Only applicable to dual-stage isolators
