
KD*P Pockels Cells

Low voltage, large aperture Q-switching devices

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Low voltage, large aperture Q-switching devices

The KD*P Pockels cell is a laser modulation component based on the electro-optic effect of the DKDP crystal. The products can be divided into transverse and longitudinal types based on the direction of the electro-optical effect.
The transverse type KD*P Pockels cell operates with the direction of light propagation perpendicular to the electric field. We can control the number and size of electro-optical crystals, which can effectively reduce the operating voltage to the hundred-volt level and realize the MHz repetition frequency.
The longitudinal-type products operate with the direction of light propagation parallel to the electric field. Longitudinal KD*P Pockels cell with excellent optical uniformity, high extinction ratio, and high transmittance.



●Regenerative amplifier
●Cavity dumping
●Beam chopper
●Pulse picker
●Optical power stabilizer

Customized according to customer needs. Refer to the following list for standard products.

Model Number: Longitudinal Type  DPC-taq-c-b-w

                     Transverse Type  DPt-alq-b-w

Longitudinal Type (t) Clear Aperture (a) Cascade Type (q) Electrode type (c) Optional Accessories(b) Wavelength(w)
L(Longitudinal) 8 (8 mm)

10 (10 mm)

S (Single)

D (Doubel)

P (Pin)

W (Wire)

P (Polarizing prism)

N (Nothing)

532 nm

1030 nm

1064 nm

Transverse Type (t) Clear Aperture (a) Crystal Length (l) Cascade Type (q)
T (Low Repetition Frequency)

H (High Repetition Frequency)

3 (3 mm)

5 (5 mm)

A (20 mm)

B (25 mm)

C (40 mm)

D (Doubel)

Q (Four)


 Typical Specifications
Type Clear


Voltage Contrast Ratio  Capacitance@10kHz λ/4 Voltage Rise/Fall Time** Cascade Type  Transmission
Longitudinal 8-15 mm ≥1000:1 6~12 pF 3.5 kV <10 ns Single ≥98.5%
Transverse 3-5 mm ≥500:1 30~80 pF <1 kV <20 ns Double ≥98%
 Damage threshold: 10 J/cm², 10 ns, 10 Hz
  *Recommend to use a light spot (1/e ²) less than 0.6 times the clear aperture                          **The actual value is affected by the drive.